Wednesday, October 30, 2019

From the book Complete Office Handbook Third Edition for todays office Essay

From the book Complete Office Handbook Third Edition for todays office by susan jaderstrom chapter 2 - Essay Example Career advancement is quite relative. Darrel (2010) explains that â€Å"advancement means climbing the corporate ladder until you reach the executive suite.† People wish for advancement to improve their professional standing. It is however necessary to emphasize that the level one may want to reach is relative. Career advancement is not an automatic phenomenon in the corporate world. It actually takes the application of laid down strategies. It also take procedures to attain career advancement. One needs constant professional upgrading to be able to climb higher on the corporate ladder. Jaderstrom et al (2002) note that employers are giving premium to the professional competence rather than academic competence. This is indeed in the right sense. This is because the office is a place for the exhibition of one’s professionalism. Professionals who want to better their corporate standing must upgrade themselves. Those who want to secure their careers must do same. Professional seminars, workshops and furthering of one’s education improve career advancement. Jaderstrom et al (2002) laments that some employees only want to be ‘gainers’ not ‘losers’. Such employees only look at what their jobs can offer them. They do not think of what they can offer their companies. Employees must show positive organizational belongingness. Some of these are commitment, punctuality, promptness and organizational ethics. Showing this belongingness will improve their chances of building their career advancement. Such employees will not to fumble when they eventually take higher positions. If you do not know where you are going, any road leads you there. This axiom emphasizes the need for career people to have goals. One must have a goal of where one wants to reach. This must be marked with time. This is a good way of ensuring career advancement. For example an employee must know where to be by a certain time. This way, such an employee

Monday, October 28, 2019

Personal Feelings And Learning From The Experiences Education Essay

Personal Feelings And Learning From The Experiences Education Essay This reflective report is written as part of the applied management project on WTOs impact on business entering new market which reviews the role of the regime in promoting cross border trade and new market access. According to Boud, Keogh and Walker (1985) reflective analysis is intended to enable a person to evolve, engage and develop the experience based knowledge. It is an open ended exercise giving meaning to the past experiences and understands better their significance in the present. A reflective analysis is made upon the period of writing up the dissertation project in a team is presented in the following paragraphs. The presentation of the reflection is based on my experiences upon the start of the project itself with anecdotes of the past coming up in between. This reflection has helped me to gain a better understanding of the role of reflective analysis of the past and how it can help me in my future career as well. The report is presented in four parts with my own and ou r groups recollection of experiences being the first part. This part gives out mainly my experience on the start of the project and phase when we worked as a group some of the frictions within the group and idea generation happening etc. In the next stage the dynamics of group is analysed in depth again based on my experience and also some feedback from my group itself. An attempt is made to connect the experiences with the theory on group dynamics and this presentation has helped me to understand the importance of group work, how difficult it is for some people to engage in groups and the opposite side where there are naturally talented leaders and followers. The part on group dynamics explores the theories on group formation especially Tuckmans (1963) theory of forming, storming, norming and performing. In the next section my personal feeling and some learning I gained from the experiences with working in a team. In this part I have also put forward the evolution of the project wo rk itself where I learned quite a lot on international business and the role of world trade organisation in the propagation of business around the world. In the final section the natural outcome from a reflective analysis is given in the form of lessons learned from the project work. Here is where this reflective analysis has indeed given results with some of the lessons and future action points have come as a real eye opener. In this exercise of reflection I have tried to be positive and have an analyst frame of mind. Recollection of Experiences In this section of the report I am putting together my experience from the start of the project, the first phases when we worked as a group some of the frictions within the group, idea generations and contributions of each member towards the report. From the first day of the induction programme into the project and upon learning the process of writing the reflective report our entire group decided to take notes on their personal experiences from each day of our meetings. In the end many in the group including me had failed to keep up this simple task. But we were at last able to put our thoughts together and sketch a rough idea as to what all had happened during our three months long process of project making. One of the initial surprises was the topic itself and the formation of the group. The university should have ideally given the students some time for group formation itself as was done in the case for other subjects where when a group report had to be written students were allocated time to form up the groups. But we had some idea that a group had to be formed and I along with some others had decided to join in the same group. Ultimately when the time for giving out the topics came some other students who were straggler in one sense also added up to our small group in order to make the numbers the university had mandated. This was initially and all along the project viewed as an inconvenience as most of these stragglers did not turn up for meetings or shares their piece of the work or take part in giving their ideas for the project. But during the reflection phase we realised that these additions only added up to our learning of group formation and performing in a group. After the groups were formed and topics allocated there were a weeks session where we had some constructive discussion on the project. This was the only phase in which the all the group members were present. The searching of information and collection of data for analysis were distributed in these initial days and we all agreed to meet up at regular intervals. Towards the end days of the first weeks session our attendance were beginning to collapse and many from the group dropped out. But it was during this first weeks group work that I experienced how a group can work together and how certain people are true leaders and others are followers. During the initial stages of the report making and when various points of views were discussed there were disagreement within the smaller group who were really cohesive as to the nature and the twist the dissertation should take. Some members were of the opinion that based on the initial inputs itself they should form a stand as to the nature of the progress. As our topic was the role of world trade organisation in developing international trade they argued that based on the initial sets of data literature review etc a stand of either the world trade organisation is good or bad should be taken. They argued that as we went along with the dissertation this will be the easier course as we only had to argue the cases were this has happened and collect and collate data from one side. But some other members of the group argued that making such a decision in the earlier stages of the work itself will be detrimental to the whole process of the project which is the analysis of the subject and based on the literature review and the analysis a discussion can be made as to whether the world trade organisation has indeed been advantageous pr disadvantageous to world trade. Finally some people choose to go with the initial strategy of determining what course they will take and then collecting all their data and analysing and discussion it in such a way that not other conclusion can be reached. These were the recollections and the experiences I had during the project which is worthwhile mentioning here in this report. Following is an analysis of these experiences on the formation of the groups and how I perceived it happened and the fallouts. The study on group formation and its implications has given me a better understanding of the team working requirements I need to face in a work situation and this analysis I believe will help me to perform better. Group Dynamics The group dynamics of the above recollections is analysed here in this section as said earlier the study on group formation and its implications has given me a better understanding of the team working requirements I need to face in a work situation and this analysis, I believe will help me to perform better. In this section the analysis is based mainly on Tuckmans (1963) theory of formation of the teams and their ability to perform. Tuckman (1963) is credited to have analysed the stages of the group formation and he named these sages as forming, storming, norming and performing. As per Schneider (2003), the purpose of a team is to bring together individuals with different backgrounds, skills, and abilities to solve problems or accomplish a set of goals and objectives working together that would be impossible to achieve working alone We were to work as a team for the applied management project and one of the ideas for working in the teams was to develop the sensation of building the team spirit and learn how to work in teams in our future careers. As said earlier we were a small group of four students who worked together in many assignments we had before and we gelled together even though there were some friction, ego clashes etc among us. But in spite of all these we were determined to be in one team for the applied management project. During the day of the first seminar some more students joined our teams and we became a big entity and we in fact had two small teams working in the same one. What happened were two small teams joined together along with some other stragglers who till then were not part of any informal groups of students. As soon as we got the topic we moved on to the stage to prepare ourselves and divide the work among us. It was during the initial stages that I realised how hard it is for the ma king of a team and working in them for many people. There were more than one leader in our entire team and each one had their own methods and views about the project work. In some fashion on the first day itself we found ourselves into two groups which were actually the two small groups which had joined up. I found out that there were more interactivity within these two separate groups and communication was much easier within the smaller groups. Analysing it now, I feel that these two smaller groups can be considered as two separate identities working together. At the time there were some misunderstandings, friction and miscommunication between the members and we thought that we were not going to work very well as a team. Each small team had an informal leadership role assumed or rather given and the main communication between the smaller groups happened through these leaders. The work to be done, the topics to be read and researched etc were divided up between the smaller groups i. e. initially into two and then we separately divided up these two parts again between ourselves. At the time we had many grievances about the working of each other but now I have come to realise that we indeed worked together but the overall composition was that of two separate identities working together. During the initial stages i.e. forming stage itself we inadvertently began working in our separate ways. Hence the formation of the group was that of two personalities of the two separate small groups. We each had our own working style and personality. It was during the norming stage that we truly started working in our individual groups and we started finding the rhythm. There were friction during the work allotment idea generation etc and this might be analysed as the storming stage where some personal differences and ego clashes came to the fore. In the end when we started to have separate group meetings and then combining our thoughts in the end by our respective leaders to ea ch other we were actually a performing group. Unfortunately it should be said that these group performances did not last very long. As soon as the induction week was over out group meetings ended and then we rarely met. But our small group which had earlier itself gone through the various stages of formation was a performing group and we tended to work together. Personal Feelings and Learning from the Experiences My personal feelings during the project work were mixed. I had a feeling that we were doing a great work and this chance will not come to us again. On the other hand the work was cumbersome, boring and tiring for most of us after the initial euphoria worn off. We kept on pushing the things to the last minute and indeed the reflection of our experiences we realised that we did not have a time bound schedule for doing things and even during initial stages when we tried to make some schedules it never were followed. I thought that there was plenty of time to do the research as there was three whole months to complete the project. One of the best learnings I had from the project was the scheduling of the project. This was a lesson learnt during the last days as the deadline approached there was a scramble for completing the work. One of the other developments was that even in our small groups there were many ideas on the project which never crossed my mind. I had a feeling from the beginning that I was among the better ones in my group as I always was a guide to many of my colleagues in our previous assignments. Many of my colleagues often turned towards me for ideas on how to do the assignments and presentations. But in the final project I realised that each individual have some thing to contribute to the overall performance of the team. This happened when they were sufficiently motivated to work for the project. The motivation to work and put effort came from the challenges we faced as from the very beginning we all realised that not a single individual could find all the answers and team work is needed. Hence each person had to put in their effort and when they saw their work getting appreciated them felt motivated enough to venture into unknown territory and come up with many ideas even though some of the m were complete idiotic. Hence I can say that individual effort does count in any group work. There were also instances of cases where I felt that some people with certain mentality are truly unable to work in groups at all. These are not to be construed as weakness in any part but it is true that some people are unable to work in groups. These are people with an independent frame of mind and they will stand out in as many as the group activities as they could. They could either participate negatively in a group work or does not participate at all. I learned quite a lot on international business and the role of world trade organisation in the propagation of business around the world. It was also during this study that the implications came upon me and some of the group members then formed some negative opinion of the world trade organisation. As it turned out the recent data and the literature were giving a negative aspect on the WTO. The literature review suggested that stronger and developed countries were putting much weight on the organisation to make the rules and regulations in their way so that poor developing countries need to open their trade barriers and cheap goods can be dumped in such countries. There were several instances of such cases were the poor countries were bullied by the developed world with the end result that the gap between the rich and the poor nations has only increased even after the formation of WTO. Lessons for Future Projects One of the important lessons I learned for the future career is on time keeping and the importance of planning the activities. During the final stages of the project we did not have enough time to complete as we had taken it easy from the beginning. This made me thinking in the final stages of the project on the importance of planning and scheduling of the work and also my life. I have decided to have a planning and make action points for each part of my life starting with my career plan. Till then I was an easy going person and hoped to get some job after my studies. But I realise that getting a job is not easy and getting a job that I would like to do will be very difficult. The other most important learning from this reflective analysis on the short period of the project was the subject of reflection itself. The reflection on my previous experiences gave me valuable insights into this self learning tool which can be used in my career. Self reflection is an important part of any body life and when we pause and analyse the past actions we realise that some of them were quite negative or time consuming and things could have been better. From this analysis action points can be made for the future. Reflection is not only to correct the past mistakes but also to gain valuable insights into the factors which have turned out better. Hence I have decided to use self reflection as a tool to pause and analyse my past actions and plan for my future career in every stage of life. Conclusion The above reflective report written as part of the applied management project on WTOs impact on business entering new market which reviews the role of the regime in promoting cross border trade and new market access. The presentation of the reflection is based on my experiences from the start of the project. The report presented in four parts gives a summary of the experiences I had over the four months of the project, the part played by the group is with an analysis into group dynamics exploring the theories on group formation, my personal feeling and some learning I gained from the experiences with working in a team and also the role of world trade organisation in the propagation of business around the world. In the final section the natural outcome from a reflective analysis is given in the form of lessons learned from the project work. One of the important lessons I learned for the future career is on time keeping and the importance of planning and scheduling of the work and also my life. I have decided to have a planning and make action points for each part of my life starting with my career plan. The other most important learning is the art of self reflection which is an important part of life; to pause and analyse the past actions to and plan for my future in every stage of life. I believe that this reflective analysis has indeed given results with some of the lessons and future action points have come as a real eye opener.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Banana Ghost :: essays papers

Banana Ghost "My, my what a lot of work I have to do" said Mr. Billy Banana. Mr. Billy Banana certainly lived up to his name. He just simply loved bananas and ate them for every meal banana and egg sandwich for breakfast, sausages and banana crackers for lunch, fried banana for tea and curry chicken, banana porridge and vegetables for dinner. As he loved bananas, he wanted to have a job to do with bananas. "Eureka!" he cried. " I'll have a fabulous and splendid banana factory!" "Yahoo!" he yelled, sounding just like a little kid. And so, he got his job. His appearance was as nutty as his appetite. His brown hair, that somewhat looked like banana fritters, was crispy and had a tinge of yellow in it. He had a beard and a moustache that made him look like a walrus. His chestnut eyes were full of laughter and fun. He was creative and that was all what he needed in order to design new objects. He was a daring inventor, ready to try out fun things. Mr. Banana thus had a building that manufactured all kinds of banana foodstuffs. He created banana sweets that tasted delicious, different kinds of banana biscuits and best of all, he created banana sweets that when you chewed them, they changed their colour. After he made all these delicious foodstuffs, he sold them off to shopkeepers. Kids could be seen going to shops everywhere and buying these lovely banana sweets. His banana sweets were extremely famous. Not far off, there was a ghost who loved anything to do with bananas. He loved eating bananas and was always haunting places which had bananas. "Ooh! They are probably finger-licking good!" he exclaimed when he heard about Mr. Banana's foodstuffs. "I'll go there tonight." He decided after thinking for a moment. "Only I hope he doesn't freak out when he sees me. I actually try to be nice when taking people's things, you know." That night, the ghost went to Mr. Billy Banana's building. Creeping quietly, he tiptoed to where Mr. Banana slept. "BANG!" The ghost accidentally bashed himself onto Mr. Billy Banana's precious machine. Mr. Billy Banana woke up and when he saw the ghost, he yelled for help. The ghost said, "Please don't be afraid. I just would like to have some of your banana foodstuff." Brave Mr. Banana said gallantly, "If you want to have some of my foodstuff, you must promise never to steal any of my food without my permission. You must also promise to help me when I am in need of any help Banana Ghost :: essays papers Banana Ghost "My, my what a lot of work I have to do" said Mr. Billy Banana. Mr. Billy Banana certainly lived up to his name. He just simply loved bananas and ate them for every meal banana and egg sandwich for breakfast, sausages and banana crackers for lunch, fried banana for tea and curry chicken, banana porridge and vegetables for dinner. As he loved bananas, he wanted to have a job to do with bananas. "Eureka!" he cried. " I'll have a fabulous and splendid banana factory!" "Yahoo!" he yelled, sounding just like a little kid. And so, he got his job. His appearance was as nutty as his appetite. His brown hair, that somewhat looked like banana fritters, was crispy and had a tinge of yellow in it. He had a beard and a moustache that made him look like a walrus. His chestnut eyes were full of laughter and fun. He was creative and that was all what he needed in order to design new objects. He was a daring inventor, ready to try out fun things. Mr. Banana thus had a building that manufactured all kinds of banana foodstuffs. He created banana sweets that tasted delicious, different kinds of banana biscuits and best of all, he created banana sweets that when you chewed them, they changed their colour. After he made all these delicious foodstuffs, he sold them off to shopkeepers. Kids could be seen going to shops everywhere and buying these lovely banana sweets. His banana sweets were extremely famous. Not far off, there was a ghost who loved anything to do with bananas. He loved eating bananas and was always haunting places which had bananas. "Ooh! They are probably finger-licking good!" he exclaimed when he heard about Mr. Banana's foodstuffs. "I'll go there tonight." He decided after thinking for a moment. "Only I hope he doesn't freak out when he sees me. I actually try to be nice when taking people's things, you know." That night, the ghost went to Mr. Billy Banana's building. Creeping quietly, he tiptoed to where Mr. Banana slept. "BANG!" The ghost accidentally bashed himself onto Mr. Billy Banana's precious machine. Mr. Billy Banana woke up and when he saw the ghost, he yelled for help. The ghost said, "Please don't be afraid. I just would like to have some of your banana foodstuff." Brave Mr. Banana said gallantly, "If you want to have some of my foodstuff, you must promise never to steal any of my food without my permission. You must also promise to help me when I am in need of any help

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Tracer 480 Sc

Insecticide Tracer 480 SC MENU: What is it ? Tracer 480 EC is a suspension concentrate, with a short residual action acting as a contact and stomach insecticide, with trans – laminar properties for the control of insects on agricultural crops as listed. Tracer 480 SC EC’s active ingredient is Spinosad (Naturalyte) with a 480 g/l. active ingredient and, placed in the 5A chemicals group for agricultural use in S. A. Manufactured by Dow AgroScience S. A. (PTY) LTD. with registration No. L 6557 under act 36 /1947. . What does it do? Tracer 480 SC is a very specific type of chemical made from a fermentation process from wild mushrooms.The short residual of the product and the minimal effect on natural predators including predatory mites makes it well suited for use in IPM control programs. Tracer 480 SC sprays are rainfast within 1 hour after application. Apply Tracer 480 SC sprays, with equipment that is correctly calibrated and in good working order that provides full cove rage of the crop, for obtaining the best results against the pest trated for. Tracer 480 EC has a rapid knock down action on larva by contact, but contact and stomach action still provides the best results.Tracer 480 SC has some effect on certain predators & parasites in citrus, and Honeybees. (Read the label) List of Crops and pests on wich Tracer 480 SC is registered. Crops Apples Citrus Pests Thrips ( Various species ) Including Western Flower Thrip F. occidentalis Thrips,. ( S. aurantii ), (See Comments for IPM program ) Green Beans & Peas Potatoes Table Grapes Tomatoes Leafminer ( L. huidobrencis) Tubermoth larva ( P. operculella ) . Thrips Spp including Western Flower Thrip (F. occidentalis ) American leafminer ( L. trifolii ) A. Boll worm ( H. armigera )Obey the waiting periods on various crops, and follow the recommendation for resistance management as specified on the label. How and When to Apply: Tracer 480 SC. must be sprayed according to dosages and threshold values as s pecified on the label for the various crops. Read warnings on label for resistance strategy. Tracer 480 SC is not pH sensitive. . (Refer the label for the specific crops) Compatibility: Tracer 480 SC is compatible with B P Agripron Super, Light or medium narrow range sprays oils and Sanawett 90 –940 SL. Mixing instructions for tank mixes: Use clean water and fill spray tank up to one third and start agitation.Add different formulation types in the order indicated below, allowing time for complete mixing and dispersion after addition of each product. Allow extra mixing and dispersion after addition of each product. Allow extra mixing and dispersion time for dispersible granular (WG) products. Add following types in the following order: u Water dispersible granules. (After pre mixing with water. ) u Wettable powders. ( After pre mixing with water) u Tracer and other aqueous suspensions. ( Maintain agitation and fill spray tank to three quarters of total spray volume. Then add : u Emulsifiable concentrates. Spray adjuvants. ( Where Tracer 480 SC is needed to be applied in combination with a spray oil . first pre – mix the required volume of tracer 480 SC and spray oil, before adding to the spray water). u Foliar fertilizers. Application: All Tracer 480 SC spray applications must be made with suitable equipment that is in a good working order with good agitation, and correctly calibrated, to give the desired coverage for that particular method of application. Study and follow the recommendations on the label for spray volumes / Ha for row crops, fruit tree crops, deciduous fruit trees and table grapes. Read the label. ) Product Label: Download Now A specimen Product Label is available for download. Amongst other information, the Tracer 480 SC label outlines the current registered uses as well as rates, directions for use, general instructions, safety instructions and warnings. If you have any problems downloading the product label, please contact (01 2) 842 0200 during business hours and a copy will be faxed or mailed to you. Material Safety Data Sheet: Download Now A MSDS is available for immediate download.The MSDS identifies the chemical and physical properties of the product, outlines the health hazard data, precautions for use, safe handling and other information pertaining Tracer 480 SC insecticide. If you have any problems downloading the Material Safety Data Sheet, please contact (012) 842 0200 during business hours and a copy will be faxed or mailed to you. Where to get it: Tracer 480 SC is available from your local Agricultural Chemical Dealer. If you have any problems finding Tracer 480 SC please call (012) 842 0200 and they will bring you in touch with an Agricultural Chemical Dealer near you.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Visual Argument Analysis: Pedigree’s Otis

Pedigree’s adoption drive advertisement is an emotional appeal aimed towards consumers that own pets. Through an argument based on emotion and values, the advertisement successfully proposes a plan of action towards the consumer audience to help dogs find a home. In essence, the advertisement logically reasons, â€Å"If you buy our food, we will donate money to dogs without a home. If we donate money to dogs without a home, you will save dogs.† Through clever techniques such as direct contact in camera orientation and a personal anecdote of the puppy, Pedigree convinces the audience through appeals to emotion and values that buying their products will, indeed, save a dog’s life. Pedigree’s advertisement’s intended audience is the consumer public. However, the advertisement’s actual audience can be considered one of all ages and all backgrounds rather than simply the consumer public. For example, a child can easily be persuaded by the emotional advertisement. Once the child has been persuaded, he or she will most likely tell his or her parents to buy the product rather than a different brand simply because of the cute puppy he or she saw on the print advertisement. Ultimately, through the emotional image and story, Pedigree breaks existing consumer loyalty that competing companies have by stealing the hearts of consumers, convincing them that by buying this product, the consumer will contribute to a larger change in the world rather than simply feeding their dog. Also, by using the name Otis for the Pug’s name, an older audience is aimed towards to evoke traditional, and emotional responses. One significant factor to understand when reading the print advertisement is to have watched the move The Adventures of Milo and Otis. The movie, in short, is about a cat and a dog that helps each other survive and find mates and homes together. Obviously being an emotion-evoking movie, it is important when a reader comes across the advertisement. Pedigree’s clever decision to name the Pug Otis causes the reader to recall the movie and automatically feel emotionally attached to the puppy, making it easier for Pedigree to convince its audience to purchase the product. Through the personal anecdote and image of the dog staring through a fence, Pedigree intends to make the audience feel compassion for the dog and hopefully buy the product that is said to help the dog. The argument is carried out by using an appeal to both emotions and values. The direct gaze of the dog makes the audience feel as if it is staring directly at them. Through this, the audience is put on a guilt trip that makes them think, â€Å"I must help this dog.† If the picture is not convincing enough, the audience may move on to the text. Already a large factor in the print advertisement because of its bright yellow color, the text is an anecdote of the average day for a homeless dog like Otis. The uneventful, despairing schedule causes the audience to pity the animal making room for Pedigree to further force the audience to take action and buy the product. Essentially, the advertisement tugs at the heart’s strings in order to promote the product. One last significant technique Pedigree uses is the final sentence within the text. It says, â€Å"Help us help dogs.† Being a very abrupt, short statement, Pedigree draws attention to the sentence by making it shorter than others and putting it in a bold face. Through reading the sentence, Pedigree makes the audience feel as if they are included in Pedigree’s movement of getting homeless dogs adopted. The audience is then provoked to feel as if they can contribute their part in the movement if they buy the product to help animals find â€Å"loving homes.† All in all, Pedigree utilizes appeals to emotion, values, tradition, and reason in order to persuade the audience to buy their product. Through these, Pedigree convinces the audience that buying their product will help them save a homeless dog. Pedigree chooses to use an emotion-evoking picture, personal anecdote, background information, and loaded text in order to persuade the audience that buying Pedigree pet food will ultimately help homeless animals.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cheer Up Your Job Search

Cheer Up Your Job Search At The Huffington Post Blog, author Mary Eileen Williams has tips for surefire strategies to help boost your job search over some of its biggest hurdles. Looking for work is discouraging and stressful–but it doesn’t have to be a dismal business. Avoid Isolation:As a natural introvert, when I was first laid off I thought having time alone to decompress and job hunt in peace would be a good thing. But before my first two weeks of unemployment had elapsed, I was feeling lonely and forgotten by my working friends. Williams suggests you get right back on the horse–network with new friends, keep up with old friends, and stay busy. She proposes you look into joining professional associations, volunteer in related fields, find job-hunting running buddies to keep each other company, and build up morale.Practice Proactive Stress Reduction:I’m a first class wallower when it’s time to brood over bad news or unfortunate timing. Don’t be afraid to indulge in a little time off. But I knew my stretch of unemployment sulking was about to turn around when I started finding low stakes projects around my apartment. Clean out your closet, organize your desk, stock up on job hunting supplies like resume paper, pens and a portfolio. Accomplishing small tasks gives you momentum and builds esteem for tackling the bigger objectives. Vent to your friends, but keep your correspondence with potential professional contacts upbeat and lively.Set Yourself Up For Success:One of the hardest things about being unemployed is feeling like you have no control over your job situation. But the tools you do have at your disposal can help you regain a sense of balance. Take a class, pursue a certification, ask for some informational interviews in industries or at companies you’ve been interested in. There are dozens of resources online and at your alma mater’s career center that can get your wheels moving. You won’t miss a beat when youâ₠¬â„¢re back on the job.Remember to practice non-tangible self-care too–speak gently to yourself, even when you’re frustrated, and make sure you’re eating, exercising and sleeping appropriately. Your job search may not turn around overnight, but if you put all your focus and enthusiasm into the hunt, you’ll find ways to make even the smallest accomplishments feel like progress.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Difference Between Sawfly Larva and Caterpillar

Difference Between Sawfly Larva and Caterpillar Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies and moths, which belong to the order Lepidoptera. Many caterpillars, while they do feed on leaves and plants, are considered desirable because, of course, they metamorphose into beautiful monarch butterflies, painted lady moths, and other decorative species. Sawfly larvae look similar to caterpillars, but are an entirely different kind of insect. Sawflies are related to bees and wasps, and belong to the order Hymenoptera. Like caterpillars, sawfly larvae usually feed on plant foliage, but unlike most caterpillars sawfly larvae can quickly destroy a rose garden or defoliate an entire tree. What Are Sawflies? Sawflies are flying insects that live all over the world. There are more than 8,000 species of sawflies, so called  because of the saw-like appearance of the female ovipositor, an organ used to deposit eggs in plant stems or leaves. While sawflies are related to stinging insects, they themselves do not sting. They feed on pollen and nectar, making them harmless to both people and plants. Sawfly eggs hatch into larvae which go through eight stages of growth. Typically, the larvae cluster together and are capable of eating an enormous amount of plant matter in a very short time. While sawflies are food for many animals in the wild, in cultivated areas they can be hard to manage. Sawfly management usually involves the use of chemical sprays. Sprays that work against caterpillars, however, are often ineffective against sawfly larvae. In addition, chemical sprays dont prevent sawflies from depositing their larvae. Chemical sprays should only be used when larvae are actually present. How Can You Tell Sawfly Larvae From Caterpillars? Caterpillars may have up to five pairs of abdominal prolegs (tiny limbs) but never have more than five pairs. Sawfly larvae will have six or more pairs of abdominal prolegs.  Ã‚  There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. Caterpillars of the family Megalopygidae, the flannel moths,  are  unusual in having 7 pairs of prolegs (2 more pairs than any other Lepidopteran larvae). Some sawfly larvae are stem borers or leaf miners; these larvae may have no prolegs at all. Another notable difference, though it requires a closer look, is that caterpillars have tiny hooks called crochets, on the ends of their prolegs. Sawflies do not have crochets. Another, less obvious difference between caterpillars and sawfly larvae is the number of eyes. Caterpillars almost always have 12 stemmata, six on each side of the head. Sawfly larvae usually have just a single pair of stemmata. If You Have Sawflies If you have identified sawfly larvae on your trees, flowers, or foliage you may be able to simply remove them manually. If there are too many, youll probably need to spray. Choose your pesticide carefully or consult a professional: quite a few common pesticides (such as the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis) work only on Lepidopteran larvae, and will not affect sawfly larvae. Before you apply any pesticide for a caterpillar problem, be sure to count the prolegs and identify your pest correctly.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Everything You Need to Know About Bleach

Everything You Need to Know About Bleach Bleach is the common name for a solution of 2.5%  sodium hypochlorite in water. Its also called chlorine bleach or liquid bleach. Another type of bleach is oxygen-based or peroxide bleach. While you may know bleach is used to disinfect and remove stains, there is more to know about this everyday chemical to use it safely and effectively. Here are some important facts about this solution. Useful Bleach Facts Bleach has a shelf life and expiration date. On average, a container of unopened bleach loses 20% of its effectiveness each year. Once opened, bleach starts to lose a significant amount of its power after 6 months.Chlorine bleach is more effective as a disinfectant when its diluted rather than if its used at full strength. A typically recommended dilution is 1 part bleach to 9 parts water.A higher percentage of bleach is needed if a large quantity of organic material (e.g., blood, protein) is present, as these materials react with bleach and tend to neutralize it.If you add sodium hypochlorite bleach to whiten laundry or remove stains, its better to add it after the wash cycle has already filled with water and started agitation. If you add bleach together with detergent, you risk diminishing the effectiveness of enzyme-based stain removers and the detergent. On the other hand, oxygen-based bleach is best added to warm or hot water before clothes are added. Oxygen-based bleaches are g enerally color-safe and will preserve whiteness, but will not remove color. Sodium hypochlorite bleach does whiten fabrics ​but is not safe for all materials. Bleach reacts with several other chemicals to release toxic vapors. Its generally inadvisable to mix bleach with other cleaners. In particular, avoid mixing bleach with acetone, alcohol, vinegar  or other acids, or ammonia.Bleach can corrode metal, so if you clean or disinfect a metal surface with bleach, its important to wipe it down with water or alcohol afterward.Although its commonly believed drinking bleach can lead to a negative blood or urine test for drug use, this is untrue.While chlorine bleach is a powerful disinfectant, peroxide bleach is not suitable for this purpose. Chlorine bleach disinfects because it is an oxidizer, capable of disrupting microbial cells. Oxidation is also how chlorine bleach removes color. Sodium hypochlorite breaks bonds in the chromophore or colored portion of a molecule, rendering it colorless. Reducing bleaches also exist, which also change chemical bonds and alter how a molecule absorbs light.Chlorine bleach was first used to disinfect water in 1895 for  New York Citys Croton Reservoir. Household bleach may be made using water, caustic soda, and chlorine. The process of electrolysis is used to produce chlorine and caustic soda by running an electric current through a solution of table salt (sodium chloride) in water. Caustic soda and chlorine react to form sodium hypochlorite. All that is needed is to bubble chlorine gas through caustic soda solution. Since chlorine gas is toxic, bleach is not a chemical one should make at home.Although the odor of chlorine is apparent in bleach, when bleach is used, the chemical reaction tends to produce salt water and not chlorine gas.Although the toxic chemical dioxin has been known to occur in bleaching products using in the wood pulp and paper industry, household bleach is free from dioxin because gaseous chlorine must be present for dioxin to form.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Glaciers,Deserts,Wind; Earth's Interior, Earthquakes, Volcanos and Assignment

Glaciers,Deserts,Wind; Earth's Interior, Earthquakes, Volcanos and other activity - Assignment Example Desserts are large expanses of land that receive less than 25cm of rainfall each year. Desserts are very dry regions and comprise of sand, sand dunes, snow, snowdrifts and cacti and other plants suited to adapt themselves and grow in such dry areas where water is scarce. There are two types of desserts – 1) Hot deserts that experience very hot weather. E.g. The Sahara, and 2) Cold deserts that experience very chill weather, sometimes even below freezing point. The Earth is covered by 33% of desert land. Moving air is called wind. The strongest winds found on a planet in our Solar system are found on planets like Saturn and Neptune. Very strong winds that carry on for a long period of time are called hurricanes, typhoons, tornados or gales. Wind usually moves from high pressure regions to regions of low pressure and thus maintains a balance. If there is a major difference in pressure then it results in storms, cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons. Winds are capable of moving soil especially in the desserts while cold winds could have an adverse effect on livestock. The Earth is made up of different layers. It has a solid crust of silicate, a mantle that is viscous in nature and a very hard inner core. The outer layer which is the crust is solid and comprises of silicon, aluminum and oxygen. Below the crust is the mantle which is liquid in nature and mostly made up of oxygen, magnesium and silicon. The core is the innermost layer and comprises of solid ion and nickel with a pressure that ranges between 5000 to 6000 degrees centigrade. The violent shifting or moving of rocks under the earth’s crust is called an earthquake. It is also referred to as a tremor of quake and usually occurs for a very brief period of time. Earthquakes occur as a result of energy that is suddenly released from within the earth’s crust creating seismic waves through the Earth.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Neil DeGrasse Tyson - Essay Example His passion and advocacy for science is evident in all his undertakings. Technically, Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, and a science communicator regularly seen as the host of special science occasions. The scientific community has heaped numerous academic and honorary degrees to this 56-year-old Tyson. When we talk about Neil deGrasse Tyson, we are talking about a hardcore scientist and a prime-time badass scientist. Neil deGrasse Tyson was born in October 1958, in Manhattan, New York City, United States of America. His father, Cyril deGrasse Tyson, was a sociologist while his mother, Sunchita Feliciano, was a gerontologist. At the age of nine, Neil visited the Hayden Planetarium, the largest planetarium in the world. After returning from his visit, Neil developed an enhanced passion for astronomy. He attended Bronx High School of Science and actively participated in writing and editing the school’s physical sciences magazine (Marne, 19). Neil possessed not only a great passion for astronomy but he was also an excellent communicator. Surprisingly, he had started giving astronomy lectures at the age of fifteen. In the midst of his teenage lectures, Neil deGrasse Tyson was discovered by the iconic astrophysicist Dr. Carl Sagan. Sagan invited him to join an undergraduate degree program at Cornell University but Neil opted to pursue his degree at Harvard University, where he graduated in 1980 with a Bachelor of Arts in Physics (Marne, 25). After receiving the Bachelor’s degree, Neil deGrasse Tyson became distracted by extracurricular activities like wrestling and dancing. Three years later, Neil proceeded to earn the Master of Arts in Astronomy and Master of Philosophy in Astrophysics from the University of Texas and Colombia University respectively and finally received a PhD of Astrophysics in 1991. Technically, Neil deGrasse Tyson completed his academic journey in 1991, and commenced his career in science. In 1992, Neil

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Neil DeGrasse Tyson - Essay Example His passion and advocacy for science is evident in all his undertakings. Technically, Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, and a science communicator regularly seen as the host of special science occasions. The scientific community has heaped numerous academic and honorary degrees to this 56-year-old Tyson. When we talk about Neil deGrasse Tyson, we are talking about a hardcore scientist and a prime-time badass scientist. Neil deGrasse Tyson was born in October 1958, in Manhattan, New York City, United States of America. His father, Cyril deGrasse Tyson, was a sociologist while his mother, Sunchita Feliciano, was a gerontologist. At the age of nine, Neil visited the Hayden Planetarium, the largest planetarium in the world. After returning from his visit, Neil developed an enhanced passion for astronomy. He attended Bronx High School of Science and actively participated in writing and editing the school’s physical sciences magazine (Marne, 19). Neil possessed not only a great passion for astronomy but he was also an excellent communicator. Surprisingly, he had started giving astronomy lectures at the age of fifteen. In the midst of his teenage lectures, Neil deGrasse Tyson was discovered by the iconic astrophysicist Dr. Carl Sagan. Sagan invited him to join an undergraduate degree program at Cornell University but Neil opted to pursue his degree at Harvard University, where he graduated in 1980 with a Bachelor of Arts in Physics (Marne, 25). After receiving the Bachelor’s degree, Neil deGrasse Tyson became distracted by extracurricular activities like wrestling and dancing. Three years later, Neil proceeded to earn the Master of Arts in Astronomy and Master of Philosophy in Astrophysics from the University of Texas and Colombia University respectively and finally received a PhD of Astrophysics in 1991. Technically, Neil deGrasse Tyson completed his academic journey in 1991, and commenced his career in science. In 1992, Neil

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Neil DeGrasse Tyson - Essay Example His passion and advocacy for science is evident in all his undertakings. Technically, Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, and a science communicator regularly seen as the host of special science occasions. The scientific community has heaped numerous academic and honorary degrees to this 56-year-old Tyson. When we talk about Neil deGrasse Tyson, we are talking about a hardcore scientist and a prime-time badass scientist. Neil deGrasse Tyson was born in October 1958, in Manhattan, New York City, United States of America. His father, Cyril deGrasse Tyson, was a sociologist while his mother, Sunchita Feliciano, was a gerontologist. At the age of nine, Neil visited the Hayden Planetarium, the largest planetarium in the world. After returning from his visit, Neil developed an enhanced passion for astronomy. He attended Bronx High School of Science and actively participated in writing and editing the school’s physical sciences magazine (Marne, 19). Neil possessed not only a great passion for astronomy but he was also an excellent communicator. Surprisingly, he had started giving astronomy lectures at the age of fifteen. In the midst of his teenage lectures, Neil deGrasse Tyson was discovered by the iconic astrophysicist Dr. Carl Sagan. Sagan invited him to join an undergraduate degree program at Cornell University but Neil opted to pursue his degree at Harvard University, where he graduated in 1980 with a Bachelor of Arts in Physics (Marne, 25). After receiving the Bachelor’s degree, Neil deGrasse Tyson became distracted by extracurricular activities like wrestling and dancing. Three years later, Neil proceeded to earn the Master of Arts in Astronomy and Master of Philosophy in Astrophysics from the University of Texas and Colombia University respectively and finally received a PhD of Astrophysics in 1991. Technically, Neil deGrasse Tyson completed his academic journey in 1991, and commenced his career in science. In 1992, Neil

Neil DeGrasse Tyson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Neil DeGrasse Tyson - Essay Example His passion and advocacy for science is evident in all his undertakings. Technically, Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, and a science communicator regularly seen as the host of special science occasions. The scientific community has heaped numerous academic and honorary degrees to this 56-year-old Tyson. When we talk about Neil deGrasse Tyson, we are talking about a hardcore scientist and a prime-time badass scientist. Neil deGrasse Tyson was born in October 1958, in Manhattan, New York City, United States of America. His father, Cyril deGrasse Tyson, was a sociologist while his mother, Sunchita Feliciano, was a gerontologist. At the age of nine, Neil visited the Hayden Planetarium, the largest planetarium in the world. After returning from his visit, Neil developed an enhanced passion for astronomy. He attended Bronx High School of Science and actively participated in writing and editing the school’s physical sciences magazine (Marne, 19). Neil possessed not only a great passion for astronomy but he was also an excellent communicator. Surprisingly, he had started giving astronomy lectures at the age of fifteen. In the midst of his teenage lectures, Neil deGrasse Tyson was discovered by the iconic astrophysicist Dr. Carl Sagan. Sagan invited him to join an undergraduate degree program at Cornell University but Neil opted to pursue his degree at Harvard University, where he graduated in 1980 with a Bachelor of Arts in Physics (Marne, 25). After receiving the Bachelor’s degree, Neil deGrasse Tyson became distracted by extracurricular activities like wrestling and dancing. Three years later, Neil proceeded to earn the Master of Arts in Astronomy and Master of Philosophy in Astrophysics from the University of Texas and Colombia University respectively and finally received a PhD of Astrophysics in 1991. Technically, Neil deGrasse Tyson completed his academic journey in 1991, and commenced his career in science. In 1992, Neil

Friday, October 18, 2019

International Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

International Financial Management - Essay Example And the larger financial markets now have a much bigger consumer base than ever before. (Issing, 2000) With the occurrence of globalization the capital structure of MNC has changed. This is because these companies can now be owned by their customers from outside their base country. Like for example Jaguar (originally British) being owned by the Tata Group of India (Berkowitz, 2008) and Volvo (originally Swedish) is now owned by Geely which is a Chinese company (IBSEN, 2010). The stock market activities are now largely dependent on the availability of information. Stocks are traded on the basis of information coming from across the world. And with the time difference between the major stock markets from East to West, stock market activities are now held round the clock. Globalization has essentially made the financial markets much more competitive by broadening the horizon of their operations. Therefore it is safe to say that the affect of globalization on the financial sector has helped it grow and give exposure to a wider array of investors. Berkowitz, J. (2008, March 25). Tata Motors Buys Jaguar and Land Rover for $2.9b. Retrieved from The Truth about cars: IBSEN, D. A. (2010, March 30). VOLVO TO BE OWNED BY A CHINESE CONGLOMERATE, BUT WILL STAY A SWEDISH BRAND. Retrieved from The Marketeer:

Business ethics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business ethics - Research Paper Example The module takes ideas from all range of disciplines which include some of the greatest time while thinking how and understand, analyze all the ethical dilemmas in management. Business ethics Practical problems of the moral conduct in the business field, it emphasizes on the philosophy of the foundation of ethical conduct and other practical problems encountered daily. Much of the practical problems centers on the actual problem. Ethics is the study of what is admirable and right for human, business ethics refers to the aspect of human value. Business people speak about business ethics means, avoid breaking the law, in the relate work place, avoiding which may result in civil law against the company and avoid action which portray an unfavorable image about the company. All business are concerned with the three basic things, if not taken keenly the business can result to large loss and company reputation. A business theory addresses various sectors by assigning corporate attorneys and public relation to escort the employees on t heir dairy activities. Anytime an employee might stay a narrow and straight path for an acceptable conduct. Obviously, the solution would be a financial disaster is carried out in practice since it cost the company more. However, it is not the philosophers can teach the ethical issues, even if they can teach the advice will not be financially efficient. Morally responsible, pay attention to the product safety, truthful advertising and environmental impacts with excellent working conditions, we can never solve the tension between the ethical interests. Business people argue that the symbolic relation between business and ethics in which ethics naturally emerge from a profit oriented business. They are both strong and weak version of this approach; it expressed in dictum moral ethics result to a good business. It may be the best financial interest in respect of the company privacy policy. Moral business, practice usually has an economic ad vantage in the long run. It provides little incentive for business which is designed to simply as a matter of survival. More business practices are not economically viable even in the long run. Second approach to business ethic is the moral obligation in business which is restricted to what the law requires. Universal aspects of western morality have been put into a legal system such as, law against stealing, killing, fraud, harassment, validity and society wavers about its acceptance. Issue under consideration such as determining the counts is responsible in marketing in privacy in the work place. Moral requirements in the society become evident when considering societies that have strong external source morality, broad range of the requirements prohibits against sleeping partners that collect unearned money. Business ethics have limitation ethic is complex and history is filled with different theories, which systematically refuted by rival theories. We expect to find controversies when applying ethics in practices of the business. However, they bring closer to an acceptable moral behavior, close attention to ones profit motive and moral interest of consumers, in addition, the above business ethics help to examine stories of business that have a moral responsibility. Such often reveal blatantly crude,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 21

Human Resource Management - Essay Example The paper also aims to discuss the various constituents for successful learning and development strategy. Learning is a continuous process that leads to development. It is a process of understanding through which the modification in the attitude and the behaviour takes place. Through learning and development strategies, the competencies and the behaviours of the individual as well as the team can be enhanced and the goals of the organisation can be achieved. For the learning and development strategy to be successful, it is important for the organisation to foster an environment that provides the trainee with ample scope to learn and develop his skills, knowledge that is necessary to perform the job effectively. Adaption to the changes is very important for the employees in the organisation. If they can adapt to the unanticipated changes then the learning and development is said to be successful. The term human resource development can be said as a coordinated use of the training and the development, career development as well as the organisational development for the improvement of the individual and the group and to increase the effectiveness of the organisation. The learning and development strategy uses the various interventions and the techniques in order to improve the performance of the people in the organisation (Swart & Et. Al., 2005). Learning and development is not any course or any event, but it is a continuous process that requires commitment from all the concerned parties. Whenever changes occur it is important for the learners and the organisation to remain agile. If the organisation as well as the learner is able to adapt to the changes then that can be considered as the biggest gift of learning. Learning and development is the process of acquiring the information and it is a quantitative increase in the knowledge of the learner. It means to store the information in such a way that it can be reproduced as and when required.

Essay on Ethics in Technology Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

On Ethics in Technology - Essay Example The software companies purchase these copyrights so that the software cannot be copied anywhere else globally. In any case, if the owner wants duplication of the software then a unique kind of copyright is purchased for the software, which is known as the copy left. It allows duplication within specific regions allowed by the owner. Trade secrecy is another form of software protection, which allows the owner to determine where he is willing to sell his software in the world. There are no rights purchased for this type of ethical measures. One of the major characteristics that differentiate trade secrets from others is utilization of trade secrets by companies when they classify the work that does not fall in existing public domain of information. As for software patents, there is no legal existence because the law cannot define whether a software is genuinely a unique invention or not (Reynolds, 2010). Patents usually are given for a period of twenty years for an invention or creatio n. These are three ways software can be protected and their legal usage i.e., ethical usage be made possible. Technological ethics need to be highlighted on a vast scale as when they are enforced with great force, legal usage of the technology can be achieved on a greater margin. These methods of protecting the technology are common yet need special considerations in their development so that they become a strong force in battling against the unethical usage of technology. Any use of product or service that exploits is considered unethical and which gives rise to ethical perceptions. The technology has enabled us to apply several concepts of ethics by our own selves yet we are unable to define what the exact perimeters of ethical usage in technology are. The copyright act of 1976 proposes five basic rights owned by a copyright owner (Tavani, 2011).These rights describe as to what owner’s obligations are and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 21

Human Resource Management - Essay Example The paper also aims to discuss the various constituents for successful learning and development strategy. Learning is a continuous process that leads to development. It is a process of understanding through which the modification in the attitude and the behaviour takes place. Through learning and development strategies, the competencies and the behaviours of the individual as well as the team can be enhanced and the goals of the organisation can be achieved. For the learning and development strategy to be successful, it is important for the organisation to foster an environment that provides the trainee with ample scope to learn and develop his skills, knowledge that is necessary to perform the job effectively. Adaption to the changes is very important for the employees in the organisation. If they can adapt to the unanticipated changes then the learning and development is said to be successful. The term human resource development can be said as a coordinated use of the training and the development, career development as well as the organisational development for the improvement of the individual and the group and to increase the effectiveness of the organisation. The learning and development strategy uses the various interventions and the techniques in order to improve the performance of the people in the organisation (Swart & Et. Al., 2005). Learning and development is not any course or any event, but it is a continuous process that requires commitment from all the concerned parties. Whenever changes occur it is important for the learners and the organisation to remain agile. If the organisation as well as the learner is able to adapt to the changes then that can be considered as the biggest gift of learning. Learning and development is the process of acquiring the information and it is a quantitative increase in the knowledge of the learner. It means to store the information in such a way that it can be reproduced as and when required.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research paper summary Carrying capacity Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary Carrying capacity - Research Paper Example The methodology employed is two pronged as mentioned. The laboratory study was first to be carried out. The study examined various components of the Maculinea arion like its feeding preferences, autumn food consumption and growth and the winter period weight loss. The sample size included a total of 69 caterpillars reared from the onset of their final instars in the late summer to the month of May. In addition, each caterpillar was kept in a seven cubic centimeter plastic box that was furnished with a small piece of moist sponge. During that period, fresh food was supplied to the specimens after every 2-3 days to ensure that there was a surplus in the food given to them. It is also important to note that caterpillars were categorized into different sets with each set provided with a different food type and composition to enable the accurate determination of the objectives of this study. Each caterpillar was also weighed weekly to and kept in a clean box with the resultant weight being recorded for each caterpillar. In addition to the variables obtained in the laboratory set up, published materials were also used for the purposes of the number and biomass of the immature stages of M. sabuleti that were available to final instar caterpillars of Maculinea orion. Finally, estimates were carried out from the mean body weight that was obtained 2 days before eclosion. The field study involved the examination of mortality rates of wild Maculinea arion adopted at different densities into Myrmica sabuleti nest. This was measured during a five-year period study on site X. The study involved the introduction of the caterpillars at different stages of the duration with excavations and counting being done. The obtained data was subsequently being recorded to monitor the changes and effects of the different seasons, eating habits and species behavior. As a combination of the two methods and integration

Monday, October 14, 2019

Chemistry and Computers Essay Example for Free

Chemistry and Computers Essay But often the device simply acts as the electronic equivalent of an on-off switch. When on, it completes a circuit and lets current flow; when off, it breaks the electrical path. †¢ lone transistors suck- strength in numbers †¢ Transistors are possible because the semiconductors they’re built from—elements like silicon and germanium—have one strange and very useful property: They carry electricity better than insulators, such as glass, but not as well as conductors—aluminum for example. Scientists can push a semiconductor’s conductivity one way or the other by doping—adding small amounts of impurities. (Arsenic and boron are two of the commonly used elements. ) â€Å"When you dope silicon you make it act differently,† says Shahidi. â€Å"It can act like an insulator or as a metal. † Doping specific areas of a semiconductor in different ways is what creates a transistor enables its switching action. †¢ Experts have been working for many years to understand how to work with electronic material produced on an increasingly small scale. In the emerging field of nano-science and nano-technologies it is important for scientists to be able to control the structure and bonding of molecules that are used in creating small scale electronic components for products such as computers. Scientists have succeeded in imaging and forming a unique bond between a single gold atom and a single organic molecule called a pentacene. They managed to bind the atom to the pentacene and take images of rearrangements of the electrons participating in the formation of the chemical bond.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Defining an Individual Essay -- Expository Definition Essays Papers In

Defining an Individual What is an individual? How can one become an individual? Is it even possible to become an individual in society? Can we successfully distinguish ourselves from the majority to make our own decisions? How does your family affect your personality and every day decision making: your ethics and morals? How does your childhood affect you today? How does it affect our subconscious-something we can not control and we do not have access to? Is it possible to go back in time and completely erase everything we have been taught through years of brainwashing and manipulation, not only from the system that we are brought up in but also the family and lifestyles that are now part of us? The term "individual" as seen from the Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary states as follows: Individual- 1. Originally, not divisible, not separate. 2. Existing as a single, separate thing or being; single, separate, particular. 3. Of, for or by a single person or thing. 4. Relating to or characteristic of a single person or thing. 5. Distinguished from others by special characteristics, of a particular or striking character, as an individual style. People claim to be individuals every day. Everywhere we go " individuals" follow us. They are on television, in movies, newspapers, magazines, they even live with us, in our homes. Everyone has a deep desire to stand apart. " Pave your own way." A classic example of individualistic patterns set from a society that at the same time pushes you away from that idea. In a very literal sense to be an individual you need to live every moment of your existence in your very own personal way. Not hindered by the outside and inside persuasions, yo... ...hy people rebel against the idea that it is impossible to be an individual. In conclusion, it is not the fact that we are all individuals separate from each other or society. The fact remains that it is impossible to delve into your own subconscious and erase everything we have been taught and brainwashed. The important idea to remember is the relationship we have with our society and each other that truly is unique. That is where the individuality comes into play. Trying to separate ourselves and prove ourselves different is only going to frustrate even the most intelligent of characters. The world that we live in, no matter how incredibly large it may seem, is made for each and everyone of us. What we do with what society has set in us and what we do with all that we have been taught is the true answer in the ultimate question: Individuality- Is it possible?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ulysses S. Grant Essay -- biographies bio biography

Ulysses S. Grant   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On April 27, 1822 a boy was born to Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson Grant in the small town of Point Pleasant, Ohio. They named their son Hiram Ulysses Grant. In 1823 the family moved to a town nearby called Georgetown, Ohio, where Ulysses’ father owned a tannery and some farmland. Grant had two brothers and three sisters born in Georgetown.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ulysses attended school in Georgetown until he was 14. He then spent one year at the academy in Maysville, Kentucky, and in 1838, he entered an academy in nearby Ripely, Ohio. Early in 1839, his father learned that a neighbors son had been dismissed from the U.S. Military Academy. Jesse asked his congressman to appoint Ulysses as a replacement. The congressman made a mistake in Grant’s name. He thought that Ulysses was his first name and his middle name that of his mother’s maiden name. But Ulysses never corrected the mistake.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Grant was an average student at West Point. He spent most of his free time reading novels and little time studying. He ranked high in math and was very good at horsemanship. Ulysses did not like the military life and had no intention of making it his career. Instead he considered teaching mathematics in a college.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Grant graduated from West Point in 1843 and was commissioned a second lieutenant. He was assigned to the 4th Infantry Regiment stationed near St. Louis. It was there that he met Julia Dent. They fell in love and soon became engages. The threat of war with Mexico delayed their wedding plans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1847, Grant took part in the capture of Mexico City and won a promotion for his skill and bravery. He reached the rank of 1st Lieutenant by the end of the war. Grant returned to St. Louis as soon as he could and on Aug. 22, 1848, he was married to Julia Dent. During their marriage, the Grant’s had four children: Frederick, Ulysses S. Jr., Ellen, and Jesse Root Jr.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Civil War Era   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Grant was almost 39 years old when the Civil War began in 1861. He had freed his only slave in 1859 and strongly opposed secession. After President Abraham Lincoln called for Army volunteers, Grant helped drill a company that was formed in Galena. Then he went to Springfield, the state capital, and worked for the Illinois assistant general. Grant asked the federal government for a commission as colonel, but his requ... ...e ring from exposure. Grant stoutly defended Babcock, who was cleared of the charges. Many other officials were convicted of defrauding the government. In spite of the growing list of scandals, many Republican leaders wanted to nominate Grant for a third term as president. But Grant refused to run again. In June 1876, the Republicans nominated Governor Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio for president. Hayes won the presidency by a margin of only one electoral vote.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Grant retired in 1879, he had about $100,000 in savings and decided to invest it in a banking firm called Grant & Ward. His son was a partner in this company. Grant knew nothing about banking, but his son assured him that Ferdinand Ward was a financial genius. The collapse of the company came in 1884 leaving Grant almost penniless. In order to make a living after this great loss, Grant began writing magazine articles about his war experiences. Soon he began to write his memoirs. The memoirs were a great success and earned Grant’s family about $500,000.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1885, Grant moved to Mount McGregor, New York, near Saratoga. Grant died on July 23,1885 from cancer. His wife later died in 1902. Ulysses S. Grant Essay -- biographies bio biography Ulysses S. Grant   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On April 27, 1822 a boy was born to Jesse Root Grant and Hannah Simpson Grant in the small town of Point Pleasant, Ohio. They named their son Hiram Ulysses Grant. In 1823 the family moved to a town nearby called Georgetown, Ohio, where Ulysses’ father owned a tannery and some farmland. Grant had two brothers and three sisters born in Georgetown.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ulysses attended school in Georgetown until he was 14. He then spent one year at the academy in Maysville, Kentucky, and in 1838, he entered an academy in nearby Ripely, Ohio. Early in 1839, his father learned that a neighbors son had been dismissed from the U.S. Military Academy. Jesse asked his congressman to appoint Ulysses as a replacement. The congressman made a mistake in Grant’s name. He thought that Ulysses was his first name and his middle name that of his mother’s maiden name. But Ulysses never corrected the mistake.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Grant was an average student at West Point. He spent most of his free time reading novels and little time studying. He ranked high in math and was very good at horsemanship. Ulysses did not like the military life and had no intention of making it his career. Instead he considered teaching mathematics in a college.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Grant graduated from West Point in 1843 and was commissioned a second lieutenant. He was assigned to the 4th Infantry Regiment stationed near St. Louis. It was there that he met Julia Dent. They fell in love and soon became engages. The threat of war with Mexico delayed their wedding plans.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1847, Grant took part in the capture of Mexico City and won a promotion for his skill and bravery. He reached the rank of 1st Lieutenant by the end of the war. Grant returned to St. Louis as soon as he could and on Aug. 22, 1848, he was married to Julia Dent. During their marriage, the Grant’s had four children: Frederick, Ulysses S. Jr., Ellen, and Jesse Root Jr.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Civil War Era   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Grant was almost 39 years old when the Civil War began in 1861. He had freed his only slave in 1859 and strongly opposed secession. After President Abraham Lincoln called for Army volunteers, Grant helped drill a company that was formed in Galena. Then he went to Springfield, the state capital, and worked for the Illinois assistant general. Grant asked the federal government for a commission as colonel, but his requ... ...e ring from exposure. Grant stoutly defended Babcock, who was cleared of the charges. Many other officials were convicted of defrauding the government. In spite of the growing list of scandals, many Republican leaders wanted to nominate Grant for a third term as president. But Grant refused to run again. In June 1876, the Republicans nominated Governor Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio for president. Hayes won the presidency by a margin of only one electoral vote.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Grant retired in 1879, he had about $100,000 in savings and decided to invest it in a banking firm called Grant & Ward. His son was a partner in this company. Grant knew nothing about banking, but his son assured him that Ferdinand Ward was a financial genius. The collapse of the company came in 1884 leaving Grant almost penniless. In order to make a living after this great loss, Grant began writing magazine articles about his war experiences. Soon he began to write his memoirs. The memoirs were a great success and earned Grant’s family about $500,000.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1885, Grant moved to Mount McGregor, New York, near Saratoga. Grant died on July 23,1885 from cancer. His wife later died in 1902.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Business Applications of Measure of Central Tendency

Measures of Central Tendency â€Å"Measures of central tendency (averages) are statistical constants which enable us to figure out in a single effort the significance of the whole.† (Prof Bowley) The main objectives of measure of central tendency are:To reduce data in a single value. To make easy comparisons between data. There are different types of averages; each has its own business applications.1. Arithmetic Mean 2. Median 3. Mode 4. Geometric Mean 5. Harmonic Mean 1.1 Arithmetic Mean 1.1.1 DefinitionMost important measure of location is the mean or average value, for a variable. The mean provides a measure of central location for the data. If the data are for a sample, the mean is denoted by; if the data are for a population, the mean is denoted by the Greek letter ÃŽ ¼. (David R. Anderson et al) 1.1.2 Business Applications of MeanArithmetic mean is considered a deal average. It is frequently used in all the aspects of business i.e. number of items produced per day on a l arge assembly line, number of orders received per month for a firm. further In economic analysis arithmetic mean is used extensively to calculate average production, average wage, average cost, per capital income exports, imports, consumption, prices, etc. ( ExampleSay we want to find the average annual salary of all secretaries. We believe we can do this on the basis of our knowledge of annual salaries of 6 particular secretaries, who each earn $.10400, $34000, $14000, $25800 respectively.Our result is a sample mean because we are interested in finding the mean annual income of all secretaries on the basis of the annual income of a smaller sample consisting of only 6 secretaries. (Cheng F. Lee et al, 1993)1.2 Median1.2.1 Definition The median is another measure of central location. The median is the value in the middle when the data are arranged in ascending order .With an odd number of observations, the median is the middle value. An even number of observations has no single middle value. In this case, we follow convention and define the median as the average of the values for the middle two observations. (David R. Anderson et al) 1.2.2 Business Applications of MedianMedian is positional measures of central tendency. The median salary gives a value close to the average salary commonly paid, without taking the extreme values into consideration. There are mainly used in the qualitative cases like honesty, intelligence, ability, etc. These are also suitable for the problems of distribution of income, wealth, investment, etc. ( ExampleThe U.S. Census Bureau finds the median household income. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, â€Å"median household income† is defined as â€Å"the amount which divides the income distribution into two equal groups, half having income above that amount, and half having income below that amount.† ( 1.3 Mode1.3.1 DefinitionThe mode is d efined as the element that appears most frequently in a given set of elements. Mode can also be defined as the element with the largest frequency in a given data set. ( 1.3.2 Business Applications of ModeThe mode is the most important when an analysis is looking for what happens most often. In analyzing prices, most of the sales occur at a particular list price or possibly at a reduced, sale price. While there may have been sales at other prices, very few customers will have paid an average or a  mean price. Those values are therefore less important when setting pricing in terms of what most customers paid. ( ExampleMode is used to calculate the ‘modal size of a collar', ‘modal size of shoe', or ‘modal size of ready-made garments' etc.The mode may be beneficial for a manager of a shoe store. For example, you would not see size 17 shoes stocked on the floor. Why? Because very few people have a size 17 shoe size. Th erefore, store managers may look at data and determine which shoe size is sold the most. Managers would want to stock the floor with the best selling shoe size. ( Geometric Mean1.4.1 DefinitionGeometric mean is well defined only for sets of positive real numbers. This is calculated by multiplying all the numbers (call the number of numbers n), and taking the nth root of the total. ( Business Applications of Geometric MeanGeometric Mean is used in the construction of index number. The averages of proportions, percentages and compound rates are computed by geometric mean. The growth of population is measured in it as population increases in geometric progression.1.5 Harmonic Mean1.5.1 DefinitionHarmonic mean is used to calculate the average of a set of numbers. Here the number of elements will be averaged and divided by the sum of the reciprocals of the elements. The Harmonic mean is always the lowest mean. ( Busi ness Applications of Harmonic MeanHarmonic mean is applied in the problems where small items must get more relative importance than the large ones. It is useful in cases where time, speed, values given in quantities, rate and prices are involved. But in practice, it has little applicability.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Frederick Douglass Essay

Life has many ups and downs. It is like a roller coaster ride in that it takes many turns. All the way through the life of a person, there will be good times and celebrations along with bad times and grief. The most significant thing to remember is to think positive and always stay strong mentally even at your lowest points. Frederick Douglass is a name of struggle. Being born into slavery, he faced many hardships throughout his life that people of today will never know, but overcome all of them because of his relentlessness to never give up, his passion to learn, be his own man, and more significantly staying strong mentally and keeping faith in God. Mental stiffness is when all things seem to be going wrong and there are no signs of hope, but you continue to strive for what you believe in, and Douglass did a good job of that. Douglass never gives up even when there appears to be no hope, and in the end is rewarded for all of his commitment. After the whole thing Douglass goes through, in the end he is not granted his freedom, but instead takes it on his own and his dream of being free is no longer a dream but in fact reality. Douglass resided in Baltimore intermittently from his arrival in the city in 1826 at the age of eight until he escaped from slavery twelve years later. Reflecting the uncertainties of black life in antebellum Baltimore, Douglass could state that â€Å"a city slave is almost a free man compared with a slave on the plantation† and lament that while in Baltimore â€Å"I often found myself regretting my own existence and wishing myself dead† (Narrative 50, 56). Douglass’s conflicting impressions of his adolescence as a slave in Baltimore, impressions of comparative liberty and abject despair, reflected the larger paradox of African-American life in the city that claimed America’s largest black population at the time of the Civil War. Located on the border of slavery and freedom, Baltimore created space for African Americans to develop dynamic institutions that proved very important to their post-emancipation history. Yet these institutions developed under harsh restrictions on the freedom of non-slave African Americans that white Baltimoreans devised to replace the increasingly impractical bonds of slavery. Black agency amid the constraints and opportunities of an urban slave society gave Douglass with his first classroom in the limits of freedom for nineteenth-century African Americans. When Douglass’s mother Harriet Bailey died he was hardly affected by the news for the reason that he rarely seen her. Douglass’s father was a white man; slaveholders usually impregnated their female’s slaves to increase the number of slaves they owned. As a child Douglass didn’t work in the fields because children weren’t strong enough. Therefore, he had free time to do other things besides tasks. Sometimes he would go along wit the Colonel’s grandson, Daniel, as a servant when he went hunting. Daniel in time became close to Douglass which was an advantage. But, Douglass still suffered because slave children were only given a long linen shirt, therefore in the winter he would be really cold. When Douglass was eight years old he was selected to go to Baltimore to live with Hugh Auld. Douglass was not sad to leave the plantation because he had no family or any sense of home that children usually had. He believes that if he had not been removed that he would still be a slave today. Douglass was amazed how kind his new was; unlike other white women she did not punish him for looking her in the eye. But, after some time, her kindness turned to cruelty, and she completely changed as a person. When Douglass first moved in with the Aulds, Mrs. Auld began teaching him the alphabet and some small words. When her husband found out he ordered her to sop because â€Å"education ruins slaves, making them unmanageable and unhappy. † Douglass overhears this and comes up with the strategy of what white men use to enslave blacks. From that he now understands what he has to do to win his freedom. Douglass lived in the Auld’s household for seven years, he was able to learn how to read and write. Mrs. Auld became hardened and cruel and no longer tutored him. But, Douglass already learned the alphabet and was strong-minded to learn how to read. Auld rents Douglass for one year to Edward Covey, who was known for â€Å"breaking† slaves. For the first six months Covey worked and whipped everything out of Douglass to the point where he no longer cared about reading or freedom. This all changed when Douglass and Covey had a clash and after the fight Covey never touched Douglass yet again. Douglass was then rented to William Freeland, even though Freeland was milder and a fairer man, he was still going to escape. Frederick went on to become a famous orator, U. S. minister to Haiti, and a leader of his people. Douglass, like the other slaves is not born with this mental toughness, but acquires it mainly through his faith in God, hard work, and learning to read and write. Douglass’ faith in God is crucial because Douglass can turn to God at any point in his life. When Douglass is at his lowest, his faith in God is always there to lift him up. â€Å"O God, save me! God, deliver me! Let me be free! † (72). Their are times where Douglass questions God because of brutal conditions with Mr. Covey, but Douglass still stays strong mentally and spiritually, and that is key to taking his freedom. Douglass has a strong mind of his own, and does not let anyone or anything change what he believes is right. Conditions for slaves are pretty much severe everywhere they go. Slaves work long hard hours, for pretty much nothing, and to go along with that are poorly nourished. Douglass is lucky enough to be sent to Baltimore to live with the Auld’s because conditions are a slightly easier there, but most importantly because that is where he learns to read and write. Luckily for Douglass, Mrs. Auld teaches him the alphabet and small words before her heart turns to stone. â€Å"Very soon after I went to live with Mr. and Mrs. Auld, she very kindly commenced to teach me the A, B, C. After I had learned this, she assisted me in learning to spell words of three or four letters. † (45). Although reading lessons with Mrs. Auld eventually stop, this does not stop Douglass in trying to acquire as much knowledge as possible. This makes Douglass even hungrier for knowledge because he knows that being literate is key to being free. The poor white children of the neighborhood eventually teach Douglass how to read in return for some food. â€Å"As many of these as I could, I converted into teachers. With their kindly aid, obtained at different times and in different places, I finally succeeded in learning to read. † (49). This is crucial for Douglass to gain his freedom, and help him believe in himself. Although brutal times are shortly ahead for Douglass at Mr. Covey’s, the slave tamer, this knowledge and insight is definitely one of the major factors that helps him get through it. Before going to Mr. Covey’s, Douglass’ been through a lot of mental and physical pain, but he does not know the worst is yet to come. Because of his disobedience and excessive curiosity in Baltimore, Douglass’ master sends him to Mr. Covey’s, who is one of the cruelest slave tamer’s around. Douglass states that the first six months with Mr. Covey are unbearable. Douglass’ first task is to guide the oxen, and when he fails he barely leaves with his life. Covey whips him repeatedly, and continues to do so for weeks. Covey’s extreme work and brutal punishments drain Douglass mentally and physically; he feels his hope for freedom is slipping away. This is where Douglass’ faith in God is crucial because he literally has no one else to turn to except God. It seems as if Douglass is about to let Mr. Covey win, and believe that all he is put on this earth to do is slave for others. But one day as Mr. Covey tries tying Douglass up for another brutal beating; Douglass defends himself and finds the courage within him to stand up to Mr. Covey by fighting back. Douglass injures Mr. Covey to the point where he is bleeding. Because of his courage to stand up for himself, Covey never lays a finger on Douglass again. This part of the autobiography is indeed a turning point because it restores Douglass’ confidence that he always had inside of him, and makes him believe that he will one day be a free man. â€Å"This battle with Mr. Covey was the turning- point in my career as a slave. It rekindled the few expiring embers of freedom, and revived within me a sense of my own manhood. † (78). This is indeed the turning point in his life because he stands up for what he believes in and actually wins. After this point Douglass is extremely confident in himself, and due to the knowledge he gains and his mental strength he is able to get through possibly his hardest obstacle in his life. â€Å"I did not hesitate to let it be known of me, that the white man who expected to succeed in whipping, must also succeed in killing me. † (78). This is such a powerful line in that it shows Douglass’ relentlessness to never give up, and it shows that he is once again strong, not necessarily physically, but more importantly mentally. This turning point helps Douglass stay on track, and eventually helps him escape to New York City. After New York Douglass goes to Massachusetts were he meets abolitionist Garrison, and is eventually employed as an abolitionist. All in all, Frederick Douglass achieves his goals due to hard work and his passion to learn. After all, the struggle throughout his life, Douglass’ dream finally comes true, and it could not have happened to a more deserving man. One more Douglass’ master was Mr. Gore who was a key example of the many white people who let their power go to their heads. Frederick Douglass lived a hard life as a slave as pretty much all slaves did. He is pushed to the limit mentally and physically, and although there are times Douglass almost breaks down, he never lets that happen to him. By learning how to read and write he realizes that knowledge is power, just like it is today. Ignorance is ugly, and he does not want that to happen to him. Douglass’ knowledge helps open doors for him that he would never have opened if he was not educated. Frederick Douglass is an amazing man, and shows that if you are strong mentally you can accomplish anything you put your mind too. Douglass accounts in his thrilling and morbid firsthand account of slavery in the south. Douglass lets the reader look at slavery in a style that reflects the desperation of slave life. Points covered range from the exploitation of slave women by their white masters to the violent treatment, and in some cases murder of slaves, to the back-breaking labor and lack of personal time. The biography includes chilling accounts of his mother. She walked twelve miles every night to see him, in infancy, and when she died, Douglass was not even allowed to witness her burial. This was common practice in those times, but to the modern reader, this is quite appalling. Douglass’ life was only made more complicated by the accusation that his master, Captain Anthony, was also his father. The treatment of these ‘mixed’ children was often worse than that of regular slave children due to the fact that the mistress of the house felt animosity towards them. As a result, Frederick had to face the wrath of Captain Anthony’s wife. What made Douglass’ experiences truly unique was the fact that he learned how to read and write. Most slaves were killed if they were caught doing so but in Douglass’ case, he was very lucky. When he was sent to Baltimore, Sophia Auld, his new mistress, taught him how to read a few simple words. From that point, he taught himself new words everyday through The Columbian Orator, a collection of speeches and essays dealing with liberty, democracy, and courage. Douglass saw this as his ticket to freedom. Douglass sheds some light on several areas such as the reason behind the slave songs and what it feels like to watch a family member be beaten and abused. His narrative does a very thorough job of conveying the slave experience to an audience that has no idea. The image conjured of slave owners and all of southern society in the 18th and 19th century is a negative one. This caricature holds shockingly true in Douglass’ narrative. However, there is a lot more complexity to Southern society show in Douglass’ well-crafted words. There are different kinds of slave owners in different parts of the south. People like Captain Anthony and Thomas Auld, who reside in the deep south, are cruel to the slaves they own, as they are property. Like the cotton gin, they are there to turn a profit. As long as they can work and do work, nothing else really matters. In Baltimore, a different type of slave owner is known. Sophia and Hugh Auld live next to neighbors that do not own slaves and are therefore, conscious of how they treat their slaves in public. Sophia had not even owned slaves before Douglass, so in the beginning, she was very kind and treated Douglass as you would treat any child. The abolitionist movement is a larger concern in Baltimore, because it is in the very streets. In the deeper south, though they are concerned about slaves escaping and abolitionists, the threat is not as axiomatic. Douglass also exposes the false piety of slave owners. Though many of them are bible thumping, none of them truly understands the lessons they are preached. Douglass analyzes the moral woes of slavery and the unnatural state that all involved are subjected to. Douglass’ words give the reader a depiction of southern life and morality in an intricate and intriguing way, which is fair and abrasively honest. In modern times, people think of slavery and think that it was north against south. In reality, many Northerners were indifferent to the plight of slaves. When Fredrick Douglass first escapes to the north, he finds that there are many people who support slavery and many that oppose it, but most of them are indifferent. This is because most northerners have no idea what is going on in the south. Therefore, they are ignorantly blissful with their lives. Douglass addressed this issue in letter to an abolitionist associate. Douglass moved to New Bedford in the year 1838 and found work as a caulker for whaling ships. In New Bedford, he decided to drop the name â€Å"Bailey,† in order to defend himself from slave catchers, and became famous as Frederick Douglass. Between the time of 1790 and 1860, the institution of slavery declined in Baltimore but the boundaries of African-American freedom narrowed significantly. When free black people posed little threat to white people, as in the 1790s, whites imposed relatively few limitations on them. But as the free black population grew so did racial competition for jobs and social power. White privilege responded to the dynamism of free blacks by circumscribing their liberty. Douglass lived in Baltimore when free African Americans made considerable economic gains and expanded an already powerful network of black institutions. By the time of the Civil War whites rolled back many of the gains of the 1830s and pushed free blacks to the edge of slavery. Douglass first witnessed white racism towards free black people during this tightening of Baltimore’s restrictions on non-slave African Americans that coincided with slavery’s end. Work cited Browne, Gary Lawson. Baltimore in the Nation, 1789-1861. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1980. Douglass, Frederick. Letter to an abolitionist associate. In Organizing for Social Change: A Mandate for Activity in the 1990s. Edited by K. Bobo, J. Kendall, and S. Max. Washington, D. C. : Seven Locks Press. [1849] (1991) Douglass, Frederick. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. 1892. New York: Collier, 1962. Douglass, Frederick. My Bondage and My Freedom. 1855. New York: Dover, 1969. Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. 1845. New York: Penguin, 1968. Fields, Barbara Jeanne. Slavery and Freedom on the Middle Ground: Maryland during the Nineteenth Century. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985. Frey, Sylvia. Water from the Rock: Black Resistance in a Revolutionary Age. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991. Gardner, Bettye. â€Å"Ante-bellum Black Education in Baltimore. † Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (Fall 1976): 360-366. Gardner, Bettye. â€Å"Free Blacks in Baltimore, 1800-1860. † Diss. George Washington University, 1974. Garonzik, Joseph. â€Å"Urbanization and the Black Population of Baltimore, 1850-1870. † Diss. State University of New York, Stony Brook, 1974. Graham, Leroy. Baltimore: The Nineteenth-Century Black Capital. New York: University Press of America, 1982. Maryland. House of Delegates. â€Å"An Act Relating to Paupers, Beggars, Vagrants, Vagabonds and Disorderly Persons in the City of Baltimore. † The Laws of Maryland ch. 116. March 10, 1854. Muller, Edward K. and Paul A. Groves. â€Å"The Emergence of Industrial Districts in Mid-Nineteenth Century Baltimore. † Geographical Review 69 (1979): 159-177. Steffen, Charles G. The Mechanics of Baltimore: Workers and Politics in the Age of Revolution, 1763-1812. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1984. Wesley, Charles H. Richard Allen: Apostle of Freedom. 1935. Washington: Associated Publishers, 1969.